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HALE and HEARTY talks

Steve Hall (the HA) Jori Leskelä (the LE) and Sisko Mällinen (the HEARTY) talking "from the heart" about current pedagogical, andragogical and organizational topics.

01 The importance of mutual understanding

The importance of mutual understanding of the meaning of words and the importance of 'TEA' in learning convesations and in learning teacher conversations. The video starts with text, also explaining a bit what the conversation between Steve and Jori is all about: CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO

02 Deeper discussions

The real learning lies in deeper discussions. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO

03 Revisiting and reflecting the Tallinn LTN Conference workshop

In 2017, in Tallinn Learning Teacher Networks Conference, Steve Hall and Jori Leskelä facilitated their first workshop together on their special theme “Where is the White Space for learning?” After that they have written several articles on the theme. (In 2022 they changed the term “White Space” to “Open Space”.) In this podcast they revisit and reflect what happened during that Tallinn workshop.


Before listening this podcast, it is recommended to first read the articles “The importance of Open Space for Learning” and “Facilitating the Open Space for Learning”. You find them on "Articles" page.

Reflections on White Space workshop
00:00 / 06:30

Video series (contents 4 to 9)

Dimensions to teaching and professional learning in an online environment.

How to get the best out of online courses. How to foster trust and collaboration in virtual learning environments? The power of socialization in e-learning courses. How to activate studens in online courses?

04 Community building in online courses - a conversation between Steve Hall and Sisko Mällinen


05 Design of assignments in an online course - a conversation between Steve Hall and Sisko Mällinen


06 Meaningfulness and passion in online learning. And phenomenon-based approach in learning.Part 1. - A conversation between Steve Hall and Sisko Mällinen CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO

07 Meaningfulness and passion in online learning. And phenomenon-based approach in learning.Part 2. - A conversation between Steve Hall and Sisko Mällinen CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO

09 Some more words about self-directed learning and motivation - and the difference between online learning and online courses. Steve, Jori and Sisko are sharing their thoughts and experiences.  CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO

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